Holiday Forte Friday Funday with Tessa & DJ Josh Albert THIS Friday the 8th!
"(walk walk) Ho Ho Hoooo! Ho ho Hoooo!"
That's what WE'LL be doing this Friday December 8th at the holiday Forte Friday Funday! Both workshops will be lead by Forte owner Tessa Antolini, with music for the social dance played by the ever fabulous and festive DJ Josh Albert of Connecticut! There will be special treats to eat, a potential doggy visit (depending on how cold it is outside!), and a good deal of merriment and cheer. Bring your friends and family: no partner or experience is necessary to join the fun!
Beginner WCS 7:45pm
Intermediate WCS 8:30pm
Social Dancing 9:30pm
The workshops and dance are $10 per person, $5 for students with active ID.